one religion redzambala

1 Ideal of Perfection & Sainthood, 1 Humanity, 1 Universe
Many Religions - are Many Ways to attain the Perfection

I am also ready to help with an advice on Path to Perfection & Healing if necessary, for free in most cases, you can contact me on Twitter. While I was a young kid - not a Spiritual Teacher as now - I had around many, many people - complaining about their problems in life. Now, when I am able to help them - it seems nobody needs real & permanent solutions.

If nobody needs my help, I will still help the world, promoting the general Religious & Healing wisdom to Humankind. All Evil should be extinguished in the world, corrupt characters should be changed, New Generations of people should live in a better world.

To be Good, to make the World Good, to Eliminate the Evil & Suffering in the World – People should be Trained in Virtue & Goodness. They should know exactly – How & Why to train themselves, to meditate, to pray, to be inspired by Lives of Saints;
The Modern Lies tells – people are what they are, and we can do nothing – if some are evil or without a compassion or homosexuals or drunkards or criminals – we can do nothing, we have no Hope!
- These are all Big Lies – we have so many methods to train and change the minds of the people – there are inspiring examples, self-suggestion, prayers, meditations, mantras, education, discipline – which can change and transform Mind & Personality.
- Those Ancient methods – which deal with Training & Transformation of Personality, Eliminating Human Suffering – are known as Religions.

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Thematic Fronts:

Feel as at home, read and study the Ancient and Recommended teachings and scriptures - and remember – here you can ask the Questions!

– This website was created to help, share my experience and teach people in sufferings, people on the path to perfection, people on the path to a better future world.

The Better Future World - depends on the virtue of each, depends on our training in virtue. The virtue makes the world around better every day, the lack of virtue, moral duty, inner discipline – makes the world corrupt, weak and suffering;



Buddhism is the world’s oldest missionary religion. Since its beginnings some 2,500 years ago in northern India, it has spread around the world. There are now more than 350 million Buddhists in the world, most of whom belong to one of the 2 major schools: the Mahāyāna and the Theravāda.

Budisms Latviski

Budisms (Latviski)

Budisms ir pasaules senākā sludinošā reliģija. Iespējams ka pats nozīmīgākais apvienojošais faktors pasaules daudzveidīgajai Budistu saimei ir pats Buda Šākjamuni, jeb Siddhārtha Gautama. Daži galvenie filosofiskie uzskati, kas raksturo Budisma pasauli, ir Karma, Nirvāna un Meditācija.



The Sanātana Dharma, or “eternal faith,” known today as Hinduism, is a family of religions that accept the authority of the Vedas. Its four principal denominations are Śaivism, Śaktism, Vaishnavism and Smārtism. They share a vast heritage of culture and belief—karma, dharma, reincarnation, Vedas.



Mother Kālī is known as Kālī Mā, the Black Goddess, the Devī. She takes away the darkness from every individual who strives in the path of perfection by performing the spiritual disciplines of purifying austerities. She is free from all illusions and cuts down all the conflicting concepts.



Vedic Hindu sacred literature is a treasury of hymns, legends, mythology, philosophy, science and ethics. From among this vast body of writings, each lineage recognizes a select portion as its secondary scripture, called smṛiti. Śruti, each sect and lineage defines its own unique set of smṛiti.



Why did his pupils reverence Socrates so? Perhaps because he was a man as well as a philosopher: he had at great risk saved the life of Alcibiades in battle; and he could drink like a gentleman. But no doubt they liked best in him the modesty of his wisdom: he claimed only to seek it lovingly

Orthodox Christianity

Orthodox Christianity

Some 2,000 years ago, the Lord Jesus Christ directly intervened in human history: Although He is God (together with the Father and the Holy Spirit), He became a man — or, as we often put it, He became incarnate. Christ reconciled to God a humanity that had grown distant from God and sinful.

Catholic Christianity

Catholic Christianity

“He who follows me, walks not in darkness," says the Lord. /John 8:12/ By these words of Christ we are advised to imitate His life and habits, if we wish to be truly enlightened and free from all blindness of heart. Let our chief effort, therefore, be to study the life of Jesus Christ and Gospel.

Anabaptist Christianity

Anabaptist Christianity

Anabaptist & Mennonite Christians place strong emphasis on following Jesus in daily life, being covenanted with each other in Christ-centred community, and seeking to overcome conflicts in non-violent ways. They baptize each other as adults upon confession of faith. Their church is a brotherhood



O believers! Have fear of Allah and be with the truthful. It is those of His servants who have knowledge who stand in true awe of God. Those who recite God’s scripture, keep up the prayer, give secretly and openly from what We have provided for them, may hope for a trade that will never decline:

Islāms (Latviski)

Islāms (Latviski)

Dieva bīstas tikai tie Dieva kalpi, kuriem ir zināšanas. Dievs ir Visu Varenais, Visu Piedodošais. Patiešām, tikai tie, kas lasa priekšā Kurānu, Lūdzas un, atklāti vai citiem neredzot, dod žēlastības dāvanas no tā, ko Mēs esam tiem devuši, var cerēt uz ieguvumu, kas nekad nezudīs.

Śrī Vaiṣṇavism

Śrī Vaiṣṇavism

It is the merit of the Viśiṣṭādvaita of Rāmānuja as a philosophy of love that it seeks to reconcile the extremes of monism and theism. It is called Śrī Vaiṣṇavism in its religious aspect. Viśiṣṭādvaita states that God is immanent in all beings as their inner self and at the same time transcendent.

Gaudīya - Mādhva

Gaudīya - Mādhva

Gaudīya Vaishnavas are the followers of the great Bengali Saint of 16th century - Chaitanya Mahāprabhu – and Theological teachings of Mādhva Āchārya. We know them – those males, clean shaved, and girls – dancing and singing aloud Indian mantras and songs. The theology of Mādhva is Dvaita Vedanta.

Šankara Ācārya

Šankara Ācārya

Śankara belongs to the 8th century A.D. He describes himself as a student of Govinda, who was himself a student of Gauḍapāda. He lived for 32 years and wrote many works, the chief are his commentaries on the triple basis of the Vedānta - classical Upaniṣads, the Bhagavad-Gītā and the Brahma- sūtra.

Šaiva Dharma

Šaiva Dharma

Śaivism proclaims: God Śiva is Love, both immanent and transcendent, both the creator and the creation. This world is the arena of our evolution, which leads by stages to moksha, liberation from birth and death. To the Śaivite Hindu, all of life is sacred. All of life is religion. Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya.



Sikhi was established by 10 God-inspired prophet-teachers called Gurus over the period from 1469 to 1708. Each Guru added to and reinforced the message taught by the previous, resulting in the creation of Sikhi Religion. Guru Nānak declares that “devotion without virtues is impossible.”
